Would you like some advice on the entirety of commercial and private risks?
Then rely on our many years of experience in contract handling as well as claims settlement. If desired we will represent your interests even after contract conclusion when settling claims or changing contract conditions and we will examine possible alternatives to existing contracts. We always feel solely committed to the interests of our clients.
Services in the Contract Sector
- Electronic data exchange (contract, accounting etc.)
- Collection procedure
- Development of our own contractual conditions and frame contracts under insurance law
- Electronic tender
- Constant, organised and rapid exchange of information with the client
- Support in insurance law subjects
- Regular meetings on contract claims development
Services in the Claims Sector
- Consulting and support in the event of a claim with regard to the insurance contract
- Recording of all reimbursable loss positions
- Initiation of the required measures for claim reduction
- Selection and commissioning of appropriate experts
- Enforcement of reimbursement claims of our clients within the scope of the insurance contract
- Acceleration of payments in the course of the settlement by the insurer
- Assessment of possibilities of recourse for insurance contract relief
- Negotiations/discussions with experts, insurers and authorities
- Constant inspection of the provisions for outstanding claims of the insurer and previous insurer. This partly results in a considerable improvement of the loss ratio, thus leading to an optimisation of the insurance premium